Monday, April 26, 2010

The Perfect Cribbage Hand - Almost

While playing doubles cribbage over the weekend, I got the best hand of my life. I was dealt three fives and two tens. I dropped one of the tens into the crib. The cut of the deck was the last five for an amazing twenty-eight hand. The first one of my life and the highest hand I have ever seen. I was only the right Jack, instead of the ten, away from the perfect hand. Still in quest of perfection, but one step closer!

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Recent Reading List

Here is a sampling of the books that I have read in the last month or so.
  1. All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald
  2. True Compass by Ted Kennedy
  3. The Big Short by Michael Lewis
  4. Not Without Peril by Nicholas Howe
I highly recommend them all.

I'm a Republicrat

Where is the moderation in this country? I find that there is increasingly no room in the middle. Either you are all left or all right with no middle ground. Politics has never been a cordial affair but there was always room to be educated and change a position without being declared a traitor or unamerican. I don't agree 100% with either political party but I know a good idea when I hear one. Here are just a few of the issues that I support

  • Afforable healthcare
  • Effective government
  • Fair taxes
  • Campaign finance reform
  • Regulated markets
  • Death penalty
  • Strong military
  • Pro-choice
  • Gun control
As you can see, I strattle many political philosophies and therefore have no one party allegiance. I am a Republicrat.